Setbacks Shouldn’t Hold You Back
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll recall that I posted about a brownie that I ate when I should’ve been training. If this story sounds unfamiliar because you’re not following me on Instagram, please pause and follow me on social media. Here’s the link. I’ll wait: ...Okay, I’m done waiting. Where was I? Oh, yeah, that damn brownie. I should not have eaten it. I had a race coming up, goals in mind, things to achieve. But I work hard, and deserve to take a moment and indulge in brownies. As do you. We can live in the moment, but we don't have to live for the moment. Sometimes we do things we shouldn’t. Sometimes, we don’t have everything together. It’s life. It’s okay to stumble and to figure your way out. But where we get lost is letting these little (or big) setback keep us from moving forward. We get stuck in our mistak...